"The Master Says"
The Master, the guiding light behind Tathastu Satsang Foundation, has revealed profound teachings in short simple lines, which are given below. We suggest that you relax by breathing deeply for a few moments and then slowly read through these teachings.
- “Be angry. Be happy. Be Sad… Just “Be”. Do not try and become. Be as vulnerable as a baby”
- “Respecting women is not a virtue. It is a happening when the ida and pingla are balanced”
- “Being able to see the lack of faith is Faith”
- “Give double of what you get; keep nothing of what “you” have”
- “Slowly surrender more and more, and finally everything to me”
- “Desires are just thoughts in vain which urge you to “do” something. Desire = Pain”

- “You will not stop judging others until you stop judging yourself. Ask for forgiveness. You won’t be small”
- “Shraddha (Faith) will lead you to me. Saburi (Patience) will help in dissolving the expectation to be with me. Expectation slows down the passion to be with me. Expectation is impatience. It is in the future. Away from NOW. Away from ME. Therefore Be Patient”
- “Mind needs proofs. Time after time…”
- “Wanting everyone to be “happy” is also a “want”. It is a “good” want; but still a want”
- “Days of sadness and happiness may come and go. Do not let the “stupid” mind get entangled in it. What does the night teach us? Day shall come again”
- “Every cell; every thought; devote it to me. I am your mother, father, brother, sister, child, wife, husband. Everything! Then why fear losing anything”?
- “Let go and dance with me. Give me all your worries. I have no other job. I will take them. Just give…”
- “Whatever I say, it is always to bring out something”
- “Tests are meant to be enjoyed because every test leads to greater Faith. Behind every test, always see my love”
- “Ego loves to see others in pain and hates to see them in happiness”
- “You can run after me. Be Still and I will run after you and for you”
- “Sometimes not everything needs to be perfect. Imperfections are perfect too”.

- “I will not prove my existence every time. You have to prove your faith every time”
- “Most have a bit more faith in their “Ego” than in me”
- “Perceptions are based on Ego”
- “You can leave me. I won’t leave you”
- “Nothing can affect you if you are nothing. Anything can affect you if you are anything. Be a Shunya (Zero)”
- “Instead of seeing the opposite gender as objects or sources of pleasure and pain momentarily, see them within you. Start by feeling your mother / father and wife / husband within you”
- “No bigger Sadhana (practice) than seeing. No bigger Grace than being able to see”