“You can leave me. I won’t leave you”
Mission Zero
Human Being or Human Becoming?
Mankind seems to be in a frantic race. A race to become richer, worthier, happier. Life is all about becoming somebody. Even if we become that somebody, we are still unhappy. The need to constantly try and become something that we are not is driving mankind to madness. More people are unhappy, depressed, and separated and disconnected from others than ever before. Is there a way out of this madness?

The (Dis)solution
We have been taught the solution-based approach to problem resolution. The question and answer way. The path of learning to find solution to problem. Alas! Little do we realize that the more we try to learn and find a solution, the more we get entangled in the problem. The way forward is unlearning. Not solution but dissolution of the problem. Who will guide us out of this suffering?
The Master
Those of us who have awakened to suffering in life are searching for the right Master for guidance. Little do we realize that the problem is not one of the right Master! Is the disciple within ready? The Master is ever ready if the disciple is ready. His voice is constantly guiding us from within. If only we could listen.
The Master says: “You can run after me… Be still and I will run after you. I will run for you”.
Our mission at Tathastu Satsang Foundation is to enable you to be in touch with the disciple within so that you can be guided by your own Master’s voice. There is no Master other than the Self. For this, you have to move from becoming to Being. From learning to Unlearning. From solution to Dissolution. From wanting to become somebody to Being a Zero.

Happiness is within
“Yad Bhavam Tat Bhavathi”
When we strive to achieve something in the external world, the real purpose of our trying is to become happy. In reality, the happiness that we experience briefly when we fulfil a desire is not coming from the external object (what we have achieved). It is the happiness within that we experience because of the temporary cessation of the thought “I want to achieve it”. This can be validated by the fact that we are happiest in our deep sleep when there are no external objects. This means that either there is the mind or there is happiness. Death of the mind (Manonasham) is the way forward. The root cause of all suffering is the mind or the sense of separate existence, which is the first thought that rises (the ego I-thought). The direction in which mankind is looking for happiness through an extroverted mind is totally foolish. Can we look within to start living and discover oneself?
The Tathastu Mission
The Master says: “Nothing can affect you if you are NOTHING. Anything can affect you if you are anything. Be a Zero. Be as vulnerable as a baby”.
We have mistaken life situations to be life. Experience shows that there are 3 “layers” if we look within. At the deeper most level (3rd layer), there is Being or the Present moment. The 2nd layer is one of constant change, what we call the what-is (whatever is unfolding in the Present moment). This comprises physical, mental, emotional and energy signatures that reflect our life situations. Life situations are simply manifestations of our karma (past thoughts) superimposed on to the present moment. There is nothing we can do about this layer. It is entirely in the Master’s hands (Grace). The 1st layer is one of constant resistance where we are resisting the what-is through our likes and dislikes. As soon as a life situation manifests internally as a physical, mental, emotional or energy signature, through the steps of cognizance, perception and sensation, there is a reaction in unawareness. This reaction in unawareness is the 1st layer of resisting the what-is. This layer is for us to work on. Only if we work on this layer can the Master help us with the 2nd layer.
The 1st and 2nd layers are changing all the time and hence cannot be the Truth because reality is that which is always Real (Truth is One, Eternal, Pure and Unchanging – Ekam, Nithyam, Vimalam, Achalam). The 1st layer is the result of perception. The Master says: “Perceptions are based on ego”. The constant struggle to change the “what-is” is suffering. The knack of living entails experiencing stillness, silence, relaxation and alertness. The Master says: “Be angry. Be happy. Be sad. Just Be. Do not try and become.” The Being brings forth greater Grace from the Master leading to deeper growth that enables you to discover yourself.

Ishvara Sneham Mooladharam
Love is Bhakti (devotion). The refinement process of love moves from love of objects in the “material” world (Vishaya Bhakti) through love of God (Ishvara Bhakti) and love of the Master (Guru Bhakti) to love of the Self (Swaatma Bhakti). The basis is LOVE. Foundation for this is Faith (Shraddha) and Patience (Saburi). The Master says: “Seeing the lack of Faith is Faith”. This warrants one to look within and stay with one’s truth. Thus a synthesis of the paths of knowledge involving “seeing” (Jnana) and devotion involving “loving” (Bhakti) is the way forward. The root foundation of all that happens in Tathastu Satsang Foundation is Love. To unlearn all the identifications that have come to divide us – religion, caste, gender, social, economic, etc. – and discover our Real Self.